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The Dynamic V-bank commercial electronic air cleaning system is a revolutionary new design with appeal to commercial and institutional clients who manage large office buildings and commercial complexes. The object behind the V-bank is to maximize economies of operation in air handling systems. By using V-banks, energy savings and cleaning efficiency is dramatically enhanced due to the increased filtration surface. |
Increased cleaning surface and lower resistance equals greater cleaning efficiency
The V-bank electronic air cleaning system instead of being just a flat vertical surface is shaped in a V enabling the air passing through to be exposed to a greater surface area thereby lowering the resistance as well as increasing the electronic air cleaning efficiency. These V-banks are typically inserted into conventional filter racks to replace older style less efficiency bag and cell type filters. |
Single V-Bank Filter module |
Series of V-Bank cleaners with pre-filters (yellow) |
The Dynamic electronic air cleaners which are incorporated into the V-Bank filter system are the same units that perform at HEPA efficiency levels on a multi-pass basis. Dynamic V-banks have very low resistance to air flow and will provide significant improvement in energy savings and filter replacements over regular filter systems. |
In many cases where the air quality is a challenge it is recommended that a pre-filter be used to capture the obvious air particulate and leave the job to Dynamic electronic air cleaner V-banks to do the rest. this combination is a powerful solution to the issue of indoor air quality in sealed buildings. If you are unfamiliar with Dynamic products and the V-bank take the time to call and find out the whole story - you'll be amazed! |
Pre-filters extend the life of the Dynamic electronic air cleaner pillow pads |
The V-bank system has proved itself in significantly reducing operating costs in large buildings, casinos (see here), hospitals, universities, office towers etc. Several unique technologies converge together in the V-bank system and the result is increased air flow, greatly improved cleaning efficiency, reduced energy costs, and healthier, happier occupants. |
Open V-Bank assembly without pre-filters
$12.50 FLAT RATE SHIPPING for the entire order!